The Role of Revenue Operations in Enhancing Sales Efficiency

Field Sales RevOps
Field Sales Account Management


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Short for revenue operations, RevOps is the alignment of Marketing, Sales, and Support functions to improve the customer experience and increase revenue growth.

RevOps is important because it helps connect internal teams, drive consistent revenue growth, increase customer happiness and retention, and boost company-wide efficiency metrics. In other words, RevOps will help your organization do what it does more effectively.

The question we want to answer in this article is, how can field sales RevOps enhance your operations? Keep reading to learn about the synergy between RevOps and sales, the pillars of field sales success, how to increase field sales efficiency, and more. Let’s dive in!


The Synergy Between Revops and Sales

How do you get your Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success teams to work together? It’s simple: you give them similar goals, resources, and software platforms to complete their individual jobs.

This is where RevOps shines. When Marketing and Sales use the same content to engage leads, potential customers have a seamless experience that leads to more sales. The same thing happens when Sales and Support teams use shared tools to interact with buyers.

In an ideal situation, RevOps brings different teams together and points them towards the same goals. For sellers, this level of synergy leads to more sales productivity, a stronger sales process, greater revenue growth, and more accurate sales forecasting. Win!


How This Looks In A Field Sales Context

The connection between RevOps and Field Sales is essential. When these departments are on the sale page, everything from pipeline management to revenue forecasting gets easier.

For example, RevOps will help Marketing create sales engagement content to attract quality leads. That way Field Sales reps only spend time traveling to prospects who might actually buy.

RevOps can also streamline data flow between Field Sales and Support. When this happens, Field Sales Manager will know which customers are most valuable to their company and adjust their sales strategies to better target these specific organizations. The result? More sales.

At the end of the day, RevOps will help your Field Sales team connect with better leads, close more deals, and generate happier customers—all of which will lead to more success.


The Pillars of Field Sales Success

Field Sales exists for one reason: to help your reps get face-to-face with their target audience.

Why is this valuable? Because face-to-face interactions will help reps shorten sales cycles, increase conversions, boost retention, and level up customer lifetime value (CLV) metrics. It can also lead to additional upsell opportunities, which are key to consistent revenue growth.

So, how can your team engage prospects in more face-to-face scenarios? They can set appointments using a multi-channel approach, plan their territories more effectively, and use a routing tool to get from Point A to Point B. Let’s dig deeper into each of these tactics:

  • Set Appointments: Use phone calls, emails, texts, and social media messages to book appointments with prospects. That way you reach potential customers through their preferred communication channel, which will increase your response rate.
  • Plan Smart Territories: Pinpoint high-potential areas and focus your sales efforts in those locations. This will keep you from zigzagging across your territories and help you set the maximum number of face-to-face appointments every day, week, and month.
  • Use a Routing Tool: Use software to plan efficient routes between prospects. The less time you spend in your car, the more meetings you can have. More meetings equals more sales. As an added bonus, efficient routes decrease fuel costs.

Why are these three things key to your field Sales team’s success? Because they increase sales efficiency across the board. RevOps will help you increase sales efficiency in other ways, too. Let’s talk about how field sales RevOps will make your reps more efficient…


How RevOps Enhances Field Sales Efficiency

A well-oiled RevOps philosophy (or department, if you decide to go that route) will make your field sales team more efficient. That’s because RevOps has the ability to:


Align Sales Process With Organizational Goals

RevOps will keep your Field Sales team working towards company goals on a consistent basis.

When this happens, success is much more attainable. Why? Because you and your reps will be accomplishing things that tie into your company’s overarching mission and objectives.

Once you know what you want to achieve, you can implement tactics and strategies to turn those goals into your reality. For example, you can target specific kinds of customers. Or integrate specific software solutions. Or hire individuals with specific talents.

Each of these things has the power to revolutionize your organization. And it all starts with alignment between your sales process and company goals, which RevOps will help orchestrate.


Leverage Data and Analytics to Drive Decision-Making

RevOps is all about collaboration. When separate teams work together and share data, the information can be leveraged to make better decisions regarding business operations.

Think about it: with free access to Marketing data, your RevOps professionals will know what content, campaigns, etc. perform best. With free access to Sales data, they’ll know which leads typically convert into customers. These data points can be combined to learn which projects Marketing should work on to produce quality leads that Sales can close on a consistent basis.

And this is just one example. Your company can do something similar with its Sales and Support teams, which will help you and your colleagues retain customers and grow revenue.

Put simply, better data leads to better business decisions, which lead to organizational success.


Implement and Manages Sales Technology

The average organization uses 371 SaaS apps. You can bet that a lot of those apps are geared towards sales, which means the every-day seller is totally overwhelmed by technology.

Most RevOps divisions are asked to tackle this growing tech problem. So, they spend a lot of time optimizing company processes, choosing relevant software solutions, and implementing these apps correctly. Doing so makes processes—including sales processes— more efficient.

Imagine how much more your reps will accomplish when they have easy access to the right tools. And are trained to use said tools effectively. And can then train their software to handle repetitive tasks so they can focus on closing deals. RevOps makes it possible.


Streamline Workflows and Eliminates Inefficiencies

We touched on it already, but this benefit deserves its own section. RevOps will help your field sales team streamline its workflows and eliminate inefficiencies that reduce profitability.

For example, RevOps will help you select and implement the right sales technology. Maybe your reps have trouble using the sales enablement content Marketing creates for them. A proven tool can help in this area and allow reps to educate customers in more engaging ways.

RevOps will also help you identify bottlenecks in your processes and find alternative solutions. Maybe you don’t have time to review sales analytics on a regular basis. RevOps professionals can do this for you, which will give you the data you need to improve your sales strategy.


Final Thoughts

As you can see, RevOps is an important piece of the field sales puzzle. By aligning Marketing, Sales, and Support teams, you can improve customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth.

The question is, what do you do with this information? You could start an entire RevOps division for your company. Or you could invest in a tool like SPOTIO, which will give you similar benefits.

With SPOTIO, you can easily create territories, generate quality leads, set appointments, plan efficient routes in the field, communicate with prospects via multiple channels, automate a variety of tasks, and build analytics reports. Basically, you can streamline the entire field sales process—and you won’t have to hire new employees or purchase multiple pieces of software.

Schedule a demo of SPOTIO today to see how it can make your field sales team more efficient!