Are you still handing out physical business cards to prospective customers? You need to get with the times and invest in one of the best digital business card apps!
In this article, we’ll explain what digital business cards are, why they’re beneficial to field sellers like you, how to choose the right solution for your needs, and the top digital business card apps on the market in 2024.
What is a digital business card?
A digital business card is exactly what it sounds like: a digital version of the physical business cards that many professionals carry in their wallets.
You know what we’re talking about—the rectangular pieces of cardstock that includes a person’s name, the company they work for, the position they hold, the services they offer, how to contact them, and other bits of professional information.
It should be noted that digital business cards are sometimes referred to as “virtual business cards” and “electronic business cards” and “mobile business cards”. But, for the purposes of this article, we’ll just refer to them as “digital business cards”.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the numerous ways that you, a field sales rep, can benefit from a digital business card.
Benefits of digital business cards
You already have a fat stack of physical business cards on your desk. There’s another pile in your car. And you keep a few in your wallet, too, just in case.
Do you really need a digital business card as well?
Of course, you don’t need a digital business card. You can keep handing out physical versions and hope that your contacts don’t toss them out five minutes later. (But, to be honest, they probably will.)
That said, digital business cards can be super beneficial. Here are six reasons why every field sales rep should create one for themselves:
Digital Business Cards Are Convenient
Is your phone in your pocket? Then you have easy access to your digital business card. The same goes if you’re sitting in front of your computer or playing Fruit Ninja on your iPad. If one of your devices is within reach, so is your digital business card.
Digital business cards are convenient for recipients, too, because they don’t have to store them in their wallets, jacket pockets, and desk drawers. The cards will live on their devices until they’re ready to be used. When that time comes, the recipient simply has to access it and then click a button to call, email, or text you.
Digital Business Cards Are Always Up To Date
You know what’s a bummer? Switching jobs and realizing that your entire library of contacts doesn’t have a way to contact you anymore.
Digital business cards solve this problem because they can be updated at any time. All you have to do is log into your digital business card app of choice and adjust your information. Your cards will then update automatically on all of your recipient’s devices so that when they want to contact you, they can.
Digital Business Cards Are Contactless
45% of Americans work remotely at least once a week, which means you may not be able to meet with prospects in-person—even if you go to them.
This isn’t as much of a problem with digital business cards because you can send them to anybody at any time, provided you have their email address, phone number, or can message them via a social media platform.
Even if you can meet with prospects in person, they may be hesitant to take your physical business card. We’re all a bit sensitive to germs these days. Again, not a problem with digital business cards, which are sent electronically.
Digital Business Cards Are Preferred By Prospects
Guess what? 88% of physical business cards get thrown away in less than a week.
We know you worked really hard to design them. You might have even paid extra for two-sided cards with a glossy, eye-catching paint job. Doesn’t matter. Your prospects don’t want them. Even if they did, they probably wouldn’t be able to find your physical business card when it actually counts.
Digital business cards, on the other hand, are easy to store on a phone or computer. They’re also easy to find when needed. Win!
Digital Business Cards Are Affordable
How much money have you wasted—er, spent, on physical business cards?
Most field sales reps spend hundreds of dollars a year on them. That’s a good chunk of money that your company could invest into other things once you choose the best digital business card app. (We’ll talk about these kinds of apps in a bit.)
Digital Business Cards Can Track Engagement
Finally, digital business cards are trackable.
When you give a physical business card to a prospect, you have zero idea what happens to it. Does it get thrown away? Tossed in the back of a drawer and forgotten about? Left in a pocket and sent through the wash? Who knows?
With a digital business card from SPOTIO, you’ll be notified as soon as a prospect views your card. You can then follow up immediately and win more deals.
Key Features to Look for in Digital Business Cards
To create and send digital business cards, you need one of the top digital business card apps. The question is, how do you choose the right solution for your needs?
It’s pretty easy: you look for apps that give you access to these four features…
Does the digital business card app in question give you personalization options? You should be able to add your company’s logo, change color schemes, and, of course, adjust contact information so that prospects can, you know, contact you.
Data is a field rep’s best friend. When you know what’s happening and why, you can make better decisions, which will lead to more sales. The best digital business card apps will automatically track the cards you send to prospects and log the activity in your CRM. That way you always know who has them.
We suggest investing in digital business card apps that allow you to send custom messages along with your digital business cards. That way you can provide leads with a bit of context and ensure they remember you when they view your card.
As mentioned earlier, top digital business card apps will notify you when a prospect views them. When you have this vital piece of information, you can devise effective follow-up strategies that result in more closed deals.
9 Best Digital Business Card Apps
You don’t want any business card app. You want the best digital business card app. Here are nine popular options in this category:
Are you a field sales rep? Then SPOTIOÂ is the best option for you in terms of digital business card apps. Why? Because the tool was specifically designed for field sales.
Once you’ve created your SPOTIO account, you’ll be able to make completely customized digital business cards, send them to prospects in a variety of ways, track who you’ve sent your cards to and when they’ve been opened, and more.
One of the best things about SPOTIO is that it integrates with CRM software, which means the digital business card data that SPOTIO collects is automatically transferred to your CRM of choice, ensuring your records are always up to date.
And all of these features are in addition to the industry-leading sales engagement tools that SPOTIO provides. View pricing plans or sign up for a free demo today to learn more.
Looking to emulate the look of a physical business card? SnapDat might be a great choice for you as the platform helps users create traditional-looking business cards that exist on mobile devices and can be emailed to prospects.
The SnapDat platform includes 40 different digital business card designs, which users can customize and make their own. And each card can contain embedded links to social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
The design of the SnapDat interface is a bit outdated, but this con is offset by the fact that SnapDat is free in the Apple App store. If you’re an iPhone user and only need basic digital business card functionality, consider this app.
With CamCard, users can take pictures of their business cards, which the app will then use to create digital versions. These digital versions can then be stored in a phone or on a computer, reducing clutter, before they’re sent to other people.
CamCard is a handy app, but it’s more of a business card organization tool than one of the best digital business card apps.
According to Knowee, 2,400 trees are cut down on a daily basis to make business cards. This app wants to save some of these trees by giving professionals a new way to create and share their contact information.
With Knowee, users can make digital versions of their business cards, complete with call and email buttons, as well as links to websites and social channels. Knowee’s cards can also be included in email signatures, which is kind of cool.
Haystack wants to help you “make a great first impression.” They do this by offering users a digital business card app that they can use to create custom cards.
Cards made with Haystack can include call and email buttons, links to one’s website and personal social media pages, and links to company content. Haystack also integrates with CRM tools so that users can keep their records straight.
eVaunt is another one of the top digital business card apps.
Like SnapDat, eVaunt isn’t super easy on the eyes. It doesn’t include top-level features, either. But it does allow users to create custom digital business cards for free. Each card created with eVaunt can include call and email buttons, links to websites and social media profiles, and embedded Google Maps.
With Clinck, users can create and email their prospects digital business cards. Every card made with the Clinck platform can include the user’s name, title, contact information, and links to social pages, as well as their company’s logo.
It’s a very simple app. As such, it doesn’t include high-end features like card tracking. But, if you’re looking for an easy way to make eye-catching digital business cards and you don’t care about the other “stuff,” this app is worth a look.
Blinq makes it easy to share your contact details with potential customers.
All they have to do is point their phone’s camera at the QR code that Blinq creates for its users and then they’ll automatically receive the card. Is that too much hassle? Then users can always just send prospects a link to their card, too.
Like other top digital business card apps, Blinq has tracking features. For example, Blinq will automatically log a seller’s location when they share their cards.
All in all, Blinq is a solid tool. Unfortunately, it’s one of the more expensive digital business card solutions on the market.
Finally, we have Switchit.
Like all of the other digital business card apps we’ve talked about, Switchit allows users to easily create and share digital business cards. What makes this tool unique is that users are able to add video to their cards as well.
Unfortunately, Switchit does NOT include tracking features, though it does integrate with HubSpot and Salesforce. If you don’t need tracking and use either of these two CRM tools, you may want to consider Switchit.
Create Digital Business Cards With SPOTIO
Digital business cards are the future. Toss out your boring, old school physical cards and invest in the best digital business card app.
SPOTIO is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do to design  a custom digital business card is follow this simple, five-step process:
- Log into the SPOTIO mobile app.
- Click the “Gear” icon in the top left corner of your screen, which will take you to the “Settings” page. Click the section called “Business Cards”.
- Click the “+” icon in the top right corner of the “Business Cards” page. You’ll be taken to the “New Card” page where you can design a new card.
- Select a field and enter the appropriate information. Fields include first name, last name, phone number, email address, title, headline, and image.
- Click the “Save” button at the bottom of your screen. Then head back to the main “Business Cards” section to view your custom digital business card.
Pretty simple, right? Request a free demo of SPOTIO today to see the digital business card creation process in action and decide if SPOTIO is right for you.